
WinterSpringSummerSummer/ Autumn
02.11.24 - 06.01.2513.04.25 - 03.06.2504.06.25 - 07.07.2508.07.25 - 01.11.25
Double room with balcony/gardenDouble room with balcony/gardenDouble room with balcony/gardenDouble room with balcony/garden
Overnight stay incl. breakfastOvernight stay incl. breakfastOvernight stay incl. breakfastOvernight stay incl. breakfast
€ 65,00€ 67,00€ 69,00€ 73,00
Double room
without balcony
Double room
without balcony
Double room
without balcony
Double room
without balcony
Overnight stay incl. breakfastOvernight stay incl. breakfastOvernight stay incl. breakfastOvernight stay incl. breakfast
€ 55,00€ 57,00 € 59,00 € 63,00
Single room
without balcony
Single room
without balcony
Single room
without balcony
Single room
without balcony
Overnight stay incl. breakfastOvernight stay incl. breakfastOvernight stay incl. breakfastOvernight stay incl. breakfast
€ 60,00 € 69,00 € 69,00 € 69,00

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